"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."


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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life is Like A Road

Do you really want to take the less traveled road? 

As a matter of fact, roads can be long or short, straight or curvy, rocky or smooth. Whatever your life is like, long or short, your path will inevitably run into many different roads. Some roads will take you to a life of felicity, marital union and spiritual mission. Others roads can bring you glory and abundance, or on the contrary loneliness and scarcity. You may always encounter roads to happiness or roads to misery, roads to success and joy, and roads to failure and frustration.

Now if you take a moment to reflect upon your life so far, you will surely identify similar crossroads, deviations and perhaps dead ends. As far as I am concerned, crossroads have always held some sort of fascination mixed with a sense of adventure and perplexity at times. Which way to go out of the four roads ahead of you? How do you make up your mind, especially when you do not know exactly where a particular road will lead you to? There is no guarantee that your decision will be correct, and for some the question may even be whether they should move at all or simply remain where they are.

Don’t Take Anything For Granted In Life
When you take your first step onto a new road, you will never really know where it will take you until you are already on that road. Most importantly, you should know that life doesn’t offer any guarantees. Even doing the right thing does not necessarily translate into happiness. Similarly, you may love someone with all your heart and not be loved in return. Recognition and prosperity do not either guarantee a happy life. In fact, life is such that you have little control of the far too numerous possibilities and potential outcomes. What you do have control over however are the choices you make, and how you decide to act and react to different situations in life.

Go For It!
Remember, life doesn’t offer any guarantee and you never really know if your decision is right or not until you’ve made it. So, my suggestion to you is to dare make up your mind and take your chances. This mindset will most certainly avoid you get stalled in an unpleasant rut.

While a single decision can ruin your life as well as be the start of a new adventure and open more roads, it is always a matter of perspective. You have the choice between living your life or “watching” it happen to you. In any case, avoid taking decisions randomly or taking careless risks.

Live A Life With No Regrets
Obviously if you knew in advance that the decision you are about to make is wrong, you would immediately change your course. And that would be the right thing to do, since nobody with common sense would embark on a road leading to nowhere or very little. But – and that is a big but – whenever you have to make a decision, there’s no way for you to know for sure that this is going to be the right decision. The only way to know is to wait for the outcome of that decision, and consider whether the positive consequences outweigh the negative effects or the other way round.

So the next time you find yourself at a crossroad, consider some tips to take the best decision possible to be discussed on my next article. Hang around!

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